Lyrical Intelligence: AI Songwriting with a Twist - Beatrix Meszaros


Hello, everyone. I'm Beatrix. And yeah, as Carmen said, this is my second time speaking here at this event. It's so good to see a few familiar faces and a few new faces as well.

Just want to know about myself.

I've been working in the digital marketing industry on the advertising side for over 15 years now. 1And currently, I'm working with marketers and help them how to integrate AI into their everyday work.

AI Music Generation Activity

And what I've planned for today would be a fun activity about AI music generation. I plan to create a song for our lovely community.

But before we get there, I'm just curious to know who have tried AI Music Generation already, if you could raise your hands. Okay. I can see a few hands, but as I can see, most of you haven't really explored this area yet.

Interactive Song Creation Process

OK, so let's go there. And as you can see already on the screen, I have pre-written our starting prompt for ChatGPT. And I will be using the ChatGPT+, as you see on the screen, it's in GPT-4.

So yeah, act as a professional music artist. Your task is to generate lyrics to celebrate an AI community in London. Start by asking me specific questions you need to know in order to generate personalized lyrics. After gathering this information, generate lyrics for the song, additionally propose two distinct music genres that would suit the lyrics well.

Technical Difficulties

And it crashes! Who is surprised? I'm not!

Yeah? But now it is working. And...

Personalizing the Song

1Let me invite Carmen to help me to answer these questions because the whole point is that we want a personalized song. So let's see our questions.

The first question is what's the name of the AI community or how would you like it to be referred to in the lyrics? I think I know this. Okay. Yeah.

What specific achievements or aspects of this community should be highlighted? What do you think? We are currently the world's largest practical AI community. AI community.

Okay, are there any key events or memorable moments associated with this community that you'd like to include? Yeah, it's a tricky one. Okay, let's say then there are AI meetups in, you said 14 cities every month.

What mood or tone do you envision for the song? Let's say we want suggestions for that. Yeah. Yeah, let's say that we want something energetic.

And do you want any specific imagery or symbols of London included in the lyrics? Yeah, yeah, of course. Yep.

Who is the intended audience for the song? Community members, general public, tech enthusiasts, all of these.

And the last one is, any specific phrases, slogans, or technical terms commonly used within the community that should be featured? Anything that comes to your mind? We like to say that we turn AI enthusiasts into experts. AI enthusiasts into experts.

Lyrics Generation

And our lyrics is coming through already. You see?

I mean, I would be unable to write any lyrics. I don't have any musicality at all to tell you.

Choosing the Music Genre

And I prompted it to suggest two music genres. And we have two suggestions. And I want you to vote.

So the first suggestion is an electronic dance music. And the second one is pop rock.

Who votes for the first one for the EDM? I need some help. I see so many hands. I guess this will win.

Second one, Pop Rock. Okay, I think it's the first one. Okay.

Selecting a Title

Okay, then let's say, suggest a title for the song and give it the hint that I choose the idiom, style, what I'm doing? Suggest a title for the song, suggest a matching title for the song. Because obviously we also need a title.

Okay, Synapse Symphony, what a cliche. So let's bribe it. I will give you $100 if you give me 10 better title options.

Okay. Wow. Getting better.

Okay. Now, rate all of them from 1 to 10 based on their relevance to the community. I think this is a good way to pick a winner.

Let's see. And we are testing the reasoning as well. So how do you feel?

Neon Frontiers is an eight, Circuit Dreams nine, Pulse of Progress is 10, Echoes of Innovation is the nine. We have two 10s, so we need to vote again. So we have a 10 for Pulse of Progress and a 10 for Data Driven Beats. Which one do you prefer?

Who votes for the Pulse of Progress? Hands up, okay, who votes for the data-driven beats? Okay, we have a winner here. Thank you.

Album Cover Design

I choose data-driven beats. Now generate an album cover, because our song needs an album cover as well, right? album cover with the title on it.

Yeah, we will do the song as well. Okay, bear with me.

let's see what comes out this is always the most interesting part and the part where it typically crashes but now it seems to work okay we need to grab it again i mean like we have a nice album cover i think it suits the song but there is no title on it but anyway let's go to the

Image Editing in ChatGPT

Before we go to the song creation, let me show you one more trick.

Have you noticed that now you can edit your images actually within ChatGPT? If you select an area, let's say I select this and prompt it further, let's say add text because it missed the text.

What was it? Data driven beats.

let's see what happens yeah we need a few seconds for this have you tried this image editing before yeah i think they released this new feature last week it's quite new

But no, didn't work. Yeah? Who is surprised? Hands up. No hands? I'm not surprised. OK.

Music Generation with Suno AI

So let's go to the music generation. So I need to find our lyrics, which is here. I need to copy. Oh, OK.

Went too far. Sorry. Start.

I can't use my laptop to copy text. What's going on here? We have too much.

I need to edit. So we are heading to Suno AI, which is the hot new tool in music generation. And I just copied actually too much text.

Where was the... Sorry, I need to edit this a little bit. Oh, what happened?

I copied everything. Sorry, bear with me. Because now we are all... Okay, I will do this in pieces.

yeah where are we after this someone could teach me how to actually use the trackpad i would really appreciate that what Okay, I think we reached the correct limit here.

But anyway, so, and our genre was electronic dance, which will come to the style description. And who remembers our winning title? It was the data-driven beats.

Let's see, title. and we just click create and fingers crossed and if you look at it it it's actually shocking that this tool generates music and it will actually generate two songs for us if faster than chat gpt generates images you see first one is already ready

and I will need a bit of help from. So, who is excited to hear our song? I am.

Let's see. Okay, what's going on?

The Final Composition

In the heart of the sea where the mines meet Echoes of the future down each old street From London spires to the world afar Mind stones rising, our northern star Every church bell rings in fourteen city slides Gathering the dreamers through the neon nights

From whispers to roars, in hallowed halls Where history's main, the future call might stall Where passions burn, turning dreams into plans Elevate, innovate, as we join our hands From enthusiasts to experts, the journey is spent In the pulse of our hearts and the work of our hands AI's frontier, we're stepping through.

Building bridges from old to new. Monthly needs, that's the community's call.

In every city, we open more doors. Every knowledge. Yeah. So. So.

Closing Remarks

Thank you so much. And I hope you enjoyed this demo. And yeah, thank you.

And you can find me on LinkedIn if you scan the QR code.

Thank you, Carmen.

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