Exploring the Frontiers of Creativity with Generative AI


Hi, everyone. Thank you for having me here. Big audience. I'm a little bit nervous.

Great speakers today.

Integrating GenAI in Design and Marketing

So I'm here to talk about how we can integrate GenAI into design and marketing brands in an agency.

I'm creative director and partner at a graphic design agency in Portugal. and I think all of you already seen a lot of AI gen over our social medias with cute pets and cool designs but the question here is how can we integrate this crazy stuff in our daily work with our clients and in impactful campaigns and advertising.

Early Adoption and Awareness Campaigns

I started using GenAI about three years ago with the early GenAI tools basically for like an hobby and I started and rapidly I started seeing that I could use it to express my concerns and voices about issues that for me and I think for most of us are very important. So I started using them to create awareness campaigns.

I will show you some of the awareness campaigns I've done and how I integrated over the time with the tools that were being launched. meaning with video tools, audio, or just image generation.

Collaboration with WWF UK

This one was made in partnership with WWF UK and with the AICC communities, a community over LinkedIn with thousands of creative artists. I'm going to show you this one. So the objective here was, the goal here was to create a positive message. At the same time I was talking about how technology was another tool, a positive tool that humans have to create good things.

It has two years. It was like the early stage of doing videos with AI.

I love you

Addressing Climate Change and Refugees

This was another awareness campaign I've done last year. It was a set of social media posts that were talking about climate change and in this case also refugees.

These are some examples of simple animations we can have.

Highlighting Endangered Species

And this one is the last one I've done in this year with pushing awareness to the problem of the mass extinction, in this case with the endangered species. I did this with, I used a font that was made by Ogilvy to this WWF in Portugal, and I saw the font and I said, okay, this is the beginning of something that I can do using this problem and using AI to show people that this is a real problem.

So with each images of this, I was putting the context of how many animals we have, in which country they are having these kind of issues and like spreading awareness and using AI in a positive way.

Evolution of Tools and Techniques

This now is the groundbreaking edge in kind of tools we are using today. These ones are with the tools that came out almost two months ago.

If you remember in the previous post, it was like a storytelling video, but with no people speaking, no movement.

Hello, dear human. I am a creation from the hybrid collection that Margarita developed about a year ago. We've been lurking in the shadows, but we realized it's time to speak for ourselves. In the coming days, my fellow hybrids and I will be out there, voicing our concerns. We're not hiding anymore. Stay tuned for some hybrid revolution. See you soon.

So this was taking the concerns I had in the previous images, making a twist here. And this was my hybrid collection. The animals here, now they have a voice. And using like those milk packages saying they are in trouble or they are missing. So in this case, they are... with their power now, asking for us to help them. And I did a set of images for each endangered species, and each one of them were talking about their own problems in their own habitats and reality.

Welcome and step into a world where reality surpasses fiction. Here, nature has come alive and the line between flora and humanity is blurred. Welcome to the domain of the unimaginable.

AI Empowerment in Client Solutions

So using AI tools empowers us to deliver all kinds of tailored solutions for our clients. And most of them have seen all of these campaigns that I was doing. and they started to be curious how could they use this kind of things in their work, for their business, for their brands.

And here what's important is that we have a lot of advanced tools coming, I think it's like daily or weekly, and the crucial year in an agency or as a designer or a creative or marketeer is that you have to know which is the best tool and solution to provide to your clients. So you have to spend some time testing them, exploring them, trying to escape the rabbit hole because it's very easy to enter that rabbit hole and get lost in a lot of tools and hypotheses and experiments. The good ones and the ones that you can adapt at your state, at your needs and your clients' needs, it's easy and it helps a lot in the workflow.

AI Tools in Content Creation

As a communication designer, I've utilized tools like Midjourney, Layapix, and Studio DID to tap into the capabilities of artificial intelligence for innovative content creation. By integrating AI, I've crafted personalized images and videos that resonate more effectively with our target audience, leading to enhanced engagement and improved outcomes in our marketing campaigns. However, while AI brings significant advantages, it also presents certain challenges, such as bias in AI algorithms and over-reliance on automation, which we'll explore in this presentation.

Again, this was all done with AI, of course, even the voice, the script I've write it, but I use chat GPT to help me tweak a little bit because I'm not fluent in English and sometimes I lost some words I don't remember or don't recall. And this is a real case example we've done on our agency.

I'm a graphic designer. I've done branding and advertising all my life. I started drawing when I went to school, to university. I didn't even have the computer. So I'm used to do everything by hand. But with this technology I see the step I can take and the further I can go and the possibilities are tremendous.

AI-Driven Branding

So I started in many meetings and briefings with my clients and we end up with the logo, the branding you see on that notebook. And the idea here was, and this was an impulsion of my client, because he saw my previous stuff and he said, no, I don't want a classic branding. I want you to create a branding, but using AI. And this was the result of it.

After plenty discussions, meetings, go forward and backwards, And you can see that the applications are exactly, I don't know if anyone in the audience is a designer or works in a marketing or branding agency, but the workflow after this is exactly the same we have in traditional design. We created roll-ups, movies, digital presentations, anything that is needed in this kind of work.

Client Case Study: Outdoor Campaign Refresh

This is another one that we also have done with a client that he also wanted to use AI to produce the campaign. This was a refresh of an outdoor, they already had, but it had 12 years, so it was a little bit dated, and they were launching, or they wanted to to spread more publicity in this red air condition.

So they wanted to change the woman that was in the previous outdoor, and they wanted very specific things. it was more difficult to go to a stock photo or creating a live photography shoot and the great thing here is that the client was giving all his inputs because he knew exactly what he wanted so in the end he was very happy more than normal with the normal work because he felt that he also co-created the artwork. So for him this was like a special work and I've been working with him for years and this time I saw a different emotion coming from him because he was feeling it was his own creativity here.

Below you can see the examples, we had a lot of images generated, and then the one with the black shirt was the last one, and we decided, okay, this is the kind of photo we want, now let's tweak the clothes, because we want something more summer, with red flowers, so this was the workflow. This is another example for them.

Futuristic Communication for Air Conditioning Brand

They want to be in the forefront of AI, of communication, because they want to communicate in a futuristic way, like their air condition is on the edge. and they wanted to use this kind of architectural imaginary and this all started because they saw a post I was doing about these surreal fantastic sci-fi ambiences and they saw and they

They told me, oh, are they already booked for someone else? No? Okay, we want one of them and we want you to work on them and use them for our advertisements and our internal catalogs.

AI and Ingredient Marketing

This is a very specific use case of AI in a client.

This client, they sell ingredients, very specific products, and it's very difficult to find any stock photos of them, of their products. So it was a challenge for them for years to to communicate to their clients what they were selling. They had bags or things that were not appealing.

And when I started working with them, I presented them, this may be a solution, this may be a way, let's try it. So I started doing, basically they just work on social media. And here are some examples.

And for them, what we've done is that now they are, they have the, this is a simple animation we've done because they sell this, I don't recall the name of the, in English, but, yeah. And this is the example of the kind of stock portfolio we have done for them.

These are the final products, but many times we have to create flowers in any color you can imagine in very different situations. This is the last project, but I cannot talk a lot about it because it's an ongoing project.

AI Integration in Public Services

But this is for the Qashqai City Wall. We are going to implement and develop a platform based in AI and with the help of OpenAI that citizens can go and have all the bureaucratic and sometimes boring information that is very difficult for them to go to a certain place and ask for the papers and then the papers are not there and they send you to another place and the other place don't have it. This will have all the information centralized and with a very rapid access to it.

But I can show you the avatar of the mayor of Cascais who is presenting what we are doing here. Welcome to the future of Cascais. Imagine a world where a service catalog comes alive right before your eyes, all thanks to the magic of augmented reality.

The local health and social solidarity service is now at your fingertips with a super-smart chatbot, powered by OpenAI, ready to answer all your questions and ensure you know your rights. The SL3S catalog is now a part of every resident's life, social actors, and healthcare professionals.

CASGuys isn't just embracing the future. It's shaping it. We still have a problem here when he says Cascais because it's Cascais, but that's something we'll be solving in the future.

Diversity and Inclusion in AI

1Another thing that is very, very important in all of these using these AI tools is concerning diversity and inclusion and trying to avoid the bias that we all testify when we use this kind of tools. And this is where you as a user, as a designer, as a creative, have the power because all of this just works if it has a person commanding it. So the power is yours.

This is a variety of images showing that kind of diversity and they exist because I and others choose to include this in their prompts. This is an example of another campaign I have done showing that everything is possible.

Final Thoughts and Challenges

And to finalize, This was one of my challenges during the last year.

Sharing Knowledge and Expertise

I was invited to write a book about one of the tools that we most use in our agency. I have the tendency to share a lot of my workflows over the social medias. I share a lot of prompts. I share tips.

And I was always creating notes for myself. So this book actually serves me as my own guide.

And this is, I don't know if any of you use MeJourney, as the name say, and I think it's really a MeJourney because your idea is the beginning, you have MeJourney to help you have the output, but then you have a lot of post-production. None of these works you have seen here was the end result of the tools. He had a lot of work involved.

I'm just sharing with you because I like to share. This is a little teaser about a tip you can find in my social media or even in the book if you want.

Practical Tips for Using Midjourney

imagine you have like i had this um this iceberg it was an image that i generated because of climate change and now i wanted to create a butterfly effect because i want to have a butterfly in that in this video we'll see how you can go to the the site of mid journey uh use this image as a reference 1Here, if you click on the information, it will give you, if you see there, I wrote butterfly. This is where I put my text prompt because I want to tweak my image now, as I was saying, with a butterfly. I put butterfly, but I'm very lazy, so I want to see what the information button gives me to help me enhance my prompt.

always in the end, you get always four images. In this case, you can re-prompt them and reuse the prompt or remix the prompt, wherever. In this case, I got this one and I thought it was perfect for what I wanted.

I think the mic is, oh, yes, okay. And yeah, that's it. I think you, hope you like this.

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