How To Be More Productive Using AI


So I have a particular application that I'm going to show tonight. And as a starting point, I'm just going to, let me, I'm not sure that I can actually get to their front screen, to be honest, once I'm logged in.

Presenting Gamma: A Presentation Tool

But this is called Gamma. It's a presentation-based creator generator, OK? So if you're interested in making a presentation, you've got a particular topic, this will help you do that, and you don't have to have particular coding skills or technical capabilities to kind of get some value out of that.

Audience Participation: Creating a Presentation

Okay, so more audience participation time. Someone who is non-technical and wants to suggest a presentation that we're gonna build on the fly here, because we're gonna do that with their generator. Okay, what kind of presentation would you like to see created using AI technology? Someone, anyone?

Yes, sir. Very specific. Very specific? I mean, non-technical. Yeah.

But let's just say I want to create a revenue by application of a higher education at university. A revenue presentation? Let's say higher education. Let's tweak that a bit. Revenue presentation in a higher education university setting to the board of governors using a few last year's data. Something along those lines. OK.

Generating Presentation Slides

So it's now saying it's recommending a set of slides, if you can see that. And let's let it create those slides.

So here we are. We're going to hit on our Generate. OK.

So with these prompts, basically somebody has created an interactive set of prompts, if you will. And these prompts are now sending to a large language model, getting some information back. They're packaging it up in terms of slides and generating.

Excuse me while we go here. Let's say, let me make sure that I've got this here. Let's take a look at this.

What do we think of this? Basically, it created it pretty much on the fly. So it created some imagery, created the bullet points, created the messaging, created maybe some data.

Let's take a look at that. And here we go. Try a different, make this more visual. So they provide that, right?

Okay, that particular slide wasn't that visual. Let's make it a little more visual.

The Evolution of Presentation Creation

1It used to be that we would spend a lot of time making presentations out of pretty much scratch. Sometimes we'd have templates. Sometimes we'd have, and you could bring in your template.

I have no particular allegiance to these guys. But it's very interesting to see how we now have end user applications that are leveraging these large language models, interacting with them. and basically packaging them up in a way that they feel sort of meets our needs.

Now, of course, you can tweak this. Of course, you can change the text. You can improve the text and whatnot.

But let's do this again. We could try a different layout, or we can make this, again, more visual.

User Feedback and Application Potential

What do you all think of feedback to the application here? This is, again, the non-technical piece of this, but is it something that you would use, potentially? I see some nodding of heads.

What are your thoughts? Anyone? Yes? I think it would save time for a lot of professionals. It would save time? Yeah. Yeah?

And it's a really good starting point, even? Yeah. Do you think that? Were you going to say that? Yeah. Yeah. Right.

So even though it doesn't necessarily even know which university or whatever, I mean it has the context of this is a higher education university setting and it's a presentation to a particular audience, so it's a good starting point and you would agree with that.

So we've got various trends and whatnot.

My understanding, and I've played with this a little bit to be honest, and created some slides out of this.

You can now take the imagery. You can download it. And if you want to download it to PowerPoint, you can and further tweak it or just generate PDFs out of it and all that. They provide all that.

Or you can just take one of these cards, as they call them, and share it with someone else.

Technical and Non-Technical Uses

But for those of us that are very technical, we're working at the LLM level here. But this, this is real world, kind of gets you a really great start for any kind of topic, largely.

Yes, comment, question? Sorry, can you speak up a little bit? Yeah.

Yeah, you'd have to check this out sort of offline. But yes, you can import as far as importing your own template is something that it allows for. I'm not 100% sure whether it'll do it as complicated as you can. But that said, you can take this and tweak it.

I think you can also have your own template.

Yeah, there's various tutorials that show you how you can use your own data, and you can bring your own data into this. So yeah, you can go deeper with it. Again, I'm not particularly promoting this one. It's an example of a great kind of starting point.

And this is one of those content generators that we all kind of know that we spent oodles of time building presentations. And sometimes you're kind of stuck for, oh, what are the key eight slides or something?

Interactivity and Customization Features

Yes, comment? What kind of integration can you do that's not bad, it's a good start? Yeah. Sure, sure. I mean, there's various, you know, try a different layout. We're just gonna do this totally on the fly here. Trends in tuition fees, it's basically, it's giving you different options. So again, it's one of those things that now that you know about it, you can sort of play with it, if you will, and see if it delivers some value for you.

Yes, comment. I'm sorry, I'm not hearing you well. A draft version, yeah. Yeah, there are. There are.

Exploring Alternative Tools and AI Integration

This is a segment where we pick a random tool and share one that happens to work pretty well. So there are other kind of PowerPoint-ish kind of slide generators and such. And Canva has new AI features. is incorporating new AI features that it's really a race to incorporate AI into every package.

Every graphics kind of package out there This one happens to be a new one that many haven't seen.

Yeah, question, comment? So based on your use of it, how accurate do you find it in terms of building design? I find it to be a great draft and a great thought partner in terms of I've got this objective and this audience. But now this shows it to me in kind of a visual manner, and I found it to be pretty appealing.

I mean, I could get it out of ChatGPT in full text bullet point mode, right? I can. That's kind of the long and short of it. Sorry, guys.

Yes? Yeah.

The Art of Crafting Presentations

It's definitely still an art form to kind of give it the nature, the context, When I think of a presentation, it's designed to deliver a specific message to a specific audience, right? So the more specific you can be about that, the better the result is. And that feels generic, but that's what it is, really.

So there's still the basic principles involved here. And they've built those in generally speaking. You know, probably ask for a startup pitch deck for an open source company building a platform on, you know, with some other open source technologies, right? And it would probably do a really good pitch deck based on that target audience.


And I'm going to give one more question before I bring Akshay up. And where are you? There he is. OK.

Yes, one more question. Is there a similar tool to this that creates videos? That creates videos? I don't, off the top of my head, know one that creates videos.

But maybe our other colleague might. I'll ask. regionalized presentations okay yeah I don't know if I'm going to answer a question there but it certainly seems like a good idea how would it do it it's still going to be Excuse me, it's still going to be in the prompting up front, frankly.

The better that prompt is, the better it'll be in terms of the result. It's still that, even though they've got a lot of best practices and such built into it, right? Yes, I'm going to pass it over.

The Future of AI Agents in Enterprises

But before I do, I just want to make sure that you all are all aware that there's a whole kind of burgeoning area of agents and AI assistants, co-pilots, and such, right? It's getting to be a more technical thing, but I wrote a very non-technical book about the future of agents in enterprises. So if you're interested in reading about what I see as the kind of evolution of AI agents in enterprises, you might check that out.

So that was a bit of a quick, shameless plug for me, but I'm going to now pass it over to Akshay. Okay, I'll be around. Questions, look forward to chatting with you all. Thank you.

Thanks, Al.

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